Sunday, December 27, 2009


Not a secret anymore that the tattoo is part of one's life journey. Maybe some people disagree with me, but not a problem. The tattoo depicts the expression of someone, the most important is how we can appreciate works of art tattoo let alone someone who painted it had a significance value for people who wear them. apart from that, I just wanted to show some modifications of dragon tattoo saya.masih lot cooler if you are interested with my collection then you can visit in my gallery

You can choose yourself which is best for you. In addition to the existing picture above, I still keep a collection of some other form of images such as the modification of an angel tattoo, ancient indian tattoos, tattoo widengan are currently popular in Java.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Lower back Cherry Tribal tattoo paint

Lower back Cherry Tribal tattoo paintCherry tattoos very cute design for girl. if you the gilr may be very want draw your body with this tribal cherry tattoo. from many tattoo designs , cherry tattoo is the best cute art. just save this collect if you want this design.

The Mexican Extreme tattoos

The Mexican Extreme tattoos
Mexican Tribal Extreme tattoo
Design tribal tattoo from mexican very extreme. look the pictures extreme tattoos above. but i like this mexican tattoo , how about you ?? amazing design tattoo or just for complete your collection tattoos.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Mungkin sudah lumrah sering terdengar ditelinga dan ataupun kita juga pernah melihat dari beberapa pameran seni kriya dari benda-benda kriya yang berasal dari masa lampau sampai masa modern. Dapatlah kita mengerti bahwa benda benda kriya yang modern itu hakekatnya bersumber dari benda kriya masa lampau. Oleh kerena itu benda-kriya dari masa lampau sangat berperan dalam menentukan corak, bentuk, dan periode kebudayaan.
Seni kriya atau kerajinan dapat diartikan sebagai kegiatan berkarya dengan menggunakan keterampilan tangan menghasilkan benda-benda berguna bagi manusia. benda tersebut umumnya diolah berasal dari barang yang tidak beguna akan tetapi setelah diproses menjadi barang yang bermanfaat.Topik ini hanya menampilkan secara umum dari beberapa benda-benda kriya.
Dibawah ini adalah sebagian dari beberapa contuh seni kriya